Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Good Graces

After Sunday's trailer debacle, I had a renewed determination to have Cupid see me as the leader between us.  If I ask something I want the response to be, yes ma'am!  So on Monday I tacked up Cupid and walked up to the arena.  I asked him to whoa while I adjust his saddle.  As per usual he started creeping towards the jump and pile of stuff around the mounting block.  This is standard operating procedure for him, and usually I just let him because I know at least he will stand still while he's investigating the stuff.  Lazy rider!  Today I told him no, I asked you to stand here, away from the stuff.  Then at the mounting block when he started to amble off before I put my feet in the stirrups I told him no, I haven't asked you to move yet so let's back up back to the block.  Then when I asked him to walk, I expected an actual forward walk not a slow mosey.

Cupid got the message that I meant business.  I didn't have to do much, no crop or anything, just have to set my intention.  Cupid tested me a few times, tried to see if he could be a little balky when I asked for a trot but I said no we're going, slight tap, and away we went.  Cupid got the message, and I could feel a lightness underneath me.  It's hard to explain, but it just felt like I had more horse under me.  It did make some things easier, though it was also a little scary because it felt like more power!  But he was being very good.  We did a little leg yielding, then a circle in the corner and holding a haunches in a few steps coming out of the corner.  We practiced some transitions, and the ups were good but he did creep forward a little at the halts.  The we practiced walking a square, halt before the corner, and yield the haunches over.  Overall I thought a very productive ride!

On Tuesday it was more of the same in our lesson, and this time with less testing by Cupid.  We warmed up and did some trot work, then got a pretty big canter going.  Again it felt different and a little scary.  I would not be comfortable jumping out of that canter!  I probably wouldn't be comfortable cantering like that with other horses in the arena either, but luckily we had it to ourselves.  But I guess I just need to get used to it, and hopefully it will feel normal eventually.  We ended the lesson with some sitting trot, which needs some work.  At least my saddle is comfortable!  We did a 20 meter circle, big trot forward, then shorten the trot with some shoulder fore into the sitting trot.  Then we added walk transitions from the sitting trot.  The transitions were going going to the right, but not so good on the left.  I still have trouble keeping the contact to the left.

On Wednesday I didn't have time to ride, but did want to take Cupid up to the trailer.  He walked right up to it like no big deal, and I fed him his grain off the back.  We didn't try to load (it wasn't hitched), but I just want him to see the trailer as a happy place.
Trailer = not so bad!
Cupid has mostly earned his way back into my good graces!

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