Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Things have been going well enough, nothing really interesting to share and just a general lack of motivation on my part to write.  (Plus it's hard getting on the computer with a baby around, he insists on joining me and pressing all the buttons.  So it's hard enough to just try to get my work done.)

We are preparing for our virtual First Level debut for Amelia.  We even got to go out to the dressage court last week when there was a break in the rain, though the boards weren't up.  And Cupid acted like he's never been out there before so we didn't really work on the test just on getting him to work through the distractions!  The footing had been packed and was still a bit hard, so I hadn't planned on cantering but he was full of go so we did end up cantering.  It took about 40 minutes until he finally trotted down the long side without trying to scoot away, so we ended on that.
When the weather is nice we've been enjoying walking around the property.   It's a nice way to warm up before going in the arena.

I haven't lunged Cupid in a while, but on a particularly wet

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