Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Greenville Dressage Show, Day 2

Cupid seemed quite content when I left him Saturday night, but I wasn't sure what to expect the next day.  I packed my longing equipment in case we needed to burn off some energy, but when I took him out for a walk he was totally calm and relaxed.  But he seemed to be feeling good, I thought he was striding out a bit smoother than he looked the last few days.  After breakfast I was going to walk him again but he was napping in his stall so I decided to leave him be.
Snuck a few bites from the lawn...
Our ride was at 12:45.  I braided him at 11, then got myself ready.  I was happy to take advantage of coats being waived as it was in the upper 90s (and I don't think I could even button my coat right now!)    We headed to the warm up ring a little after 12.  My impression from the morning confirmed that Cupid seemed to be moving a bit more loosely, though he was a bit lazy.  I can't blame him in the heat though!  I kept the warm up pretty similar, walking on a loose rein to start, then shortening the reins and walking some loops for bending and stretching.  After about 10 minutes we started trotting, again on a loose rein to start then shortening and doing some figures.  Once he was a little warm we did transitions between walk and trot to wake him up, and some shoulder in for suppleness.  We did a little left lead canter, and it was still a struggle.  Then we just walked until it was time to head over. 

Mid braid
I felt great entering the arena for Training 3, and even better exiting!  I thought it was our best test yet.  I'm finally starting to get a hang of those darn loops.  We picked up the left lead canter no problem (!!) and sustained it during the longer period required, with a decent down transition at X.  I was especially happy with our transition into the right lead, which felt quite good.  Our stretching trot wasn't as good as it could have been, and I think I forgot to shorten my reins again before completing the circle.  But overall I was thrilled, and couldn't have been happier with Cupid.

Unfortunately our score didn't quite reflect how good I felt about the test, but this weekend I felt like we are finally meeting the minimum requirements of Training level.  This was likely my last show of the year.  But I am happy with the (admittedly slow) progress we've made and excited to keep improving.  I think if we keep working hard this fall and winter (with a few weeks break planned) we will be ready to move onto First level next year.
By virtue of small classes, but what the heck I'll take it.


  1. I think finishing your ride satisfied with how you did before seeing the score is a great feeling to walk away with. And hey, who can complain about bonus satin!

    1. Lol too bad that feeling is so short-lived before reality smacks you in the face!

  2. Congrats. I always love a ribbon even if I was the only one in the class.

  3. Congrats!!! I think sometimes slow and steady progress is beneficial- as it really gives time for the foundation to truly sink in. Sounds like you guys had a terrific show!
