Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Test Breakdown in Photos

Photos are stills from the video I purchased from Smith Videography.

 A enter working trot; X halt, salute; Proceed working trot: 6
Extra points if the horse smiles?
Halt surprisingly not bad
But crooked coming out, see our wavy tracks?
 C track left; X-X-F change rein: 6
Hunchback riding a giraffe
 A-C serpentine 3 equal loops: 4.5
Cupid thinking I know what's next...
we canter in the corner!!
Unhappy he doesn't get to canter, so resumes giraffe pose instead
Wait that's not giraffe-y enough, how about now?
Between C& M Working canter right lead: 5
Extra points if we leap into it and go haunches in?
 B circle right 20m: 5
Let's just bend through our head and neck instead of body
 A working trot: 5.5

Clearly a bit past A
 Before K medium walk; K-E medium walk: 6
 E-M change rein, free walk; M medium walk: 6.5
On the forehand but at least we can relax a moment
 C working trot: 6
C-A serpentine 3 equal loops: 5.5

Cupid thinking if only my rider would sit up, maybe I could be a bit rounder
Suzy thinking if only my horse would settle down, maybe I could also relax and not pitch forward
 Between A-F working canter left lead: 5
Wheeee, off we go again!
Head shake for good measure
 B circle left 20m: 5.5
Maybe if I pretend I'm doing a hunter round it'll be better
 C working trot: 6

I'm surprised we down transitioned in time too
 E 20m stretchy trot; before E shorten reins; E working trot: 6.5
Cupid: I got this one
Suzy: Yay Cupid is relaxed so I can try to sit up a bit straighter
Judge: Best part of this hot mess but don't want them getting too cocky so I'll just say "some stretch shown"
 A down centerline; X halt, salute: 6.5
End on a good note
Big pats for Cupid
Grinning either because I'm crazy and can't wait to do it again, or maybe just glad it's over and can't wait to do it again
And if you're curious about our collectives:
Gaits: 6.5
Impulsion: 6
Submission: 5
Rider's position: 5.5 (probably generous)
Rider's correct and effective use of aids: 5.5

"Appreciate forward ride, but 'less forward' might allow more balance and connection with bit and back"


  1. LOL, those are good photos. The giraffe photo is so funny. You can definitely see the conversation between the two of you.

  2. oh man, so many amazing pictures. seeing them really drives home my feeling like, YUP i've ridden that test before too haha! love that last one tho <3
