Saturday, July 28, 2018

Trail Ride in Huddart Park

Saturday morning Cupid and I headed to Huddart Park for a ride under the redwood trees, perfect for a hot summer day!  We haven't been on a trail ride in a while so I was looking forward to it.  Cupid was a little bit nervous when we were riding up the road alone.  We were approaching a corner and he spun but luckily didn't run off!  I thought maybe someone was coming around the corner, but there wasn't and I didn't see anything unusual.  (He had walked by a stack of tires and some cones no problem.  Horses!)  He also whinnied a very high pitched little whinny a few times.  He was much happier once we met up with my friend.

Midway through my friend's horse was getting a little fussy so we switched places.  Cupid is still a little hesitant being in front.  He stop once to stare a child running and yelling down a trail, and spooked at some people playing in the river below us, but overall he was very good. 

We walked for about 2 hours, with fairly gentle climbs and descents throughout.  Luckily we were in the shade almost the entire time, and Cupid didn't get too sweaty.  Though later when we got back to the barn I put him back in his stall to pack his feet and give him his grain before turning him back out he got quite sweaty, it can get pretty warm in the barn.  Summer has finally arrived!


  1. Sounds like a fun ride. I still haven't been to Huddart.

    1. I highly recommend it! Especially in the summer.

  2. wow that park looks really pretty! awesome that Cupid could lead or follow as needed too!
