Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Summer's Start

Cupid and I have had a relatively quiet week plus since the show - aside from a text from the barn last night that he came in from turnout with an injury.  Nothing serious luckily, but I appreciate that they both noticed and told me about it.  It is finally starting to feel like summer, though we still have plenty of cool days interspersed. 
You know it's summer when the grass turns to weeds

Lessons have continued to focus on improving connection, and making sure I'm beginning turns off my outside rein.  I'm a slow learning but starting to get the hang of it!  I've also been requesting some time on the lunge line about every other week so I can hopefully build muscle memory doing it correctly.  I think it's also helped my coach be more aware of some of Cupid's tendencies - things like finding an excuse to break gait if you get distracted; anticipating what we're doing; when he doesn't want to carry himself; and that he does tire a bit going to the left and picking up that lead will get more difficult if he's a bit tired.

I've been trying to make sure I'm not constantly drilling him, and add variety to the routine.  So on Saturday I rode him around the property including some paths which have recently been made usable again after getting a bit overgrown, before dropping into the outdoor ring for a little trot work, then continuing around.  We did a day of ground driving, and another day of in-hand work.  We practiced backing up straight between two poles, then I had Cupid step over a pole with just his front feet and side pass down.  He's finally starting to get this but it took some time! 

I was going to do some jumping this week too, but Cupid took a few funny steps before I mounted.  He seemed okay after, but we decided to keep it light and did a course with just ground poles and cavaletti instead.  I asked for some lead changes over the cavaletti, we don't always get them but had a few (especially if I repeat a course and Cupid knows which way we're going!)

Getting turned out with his Fresian friend
New fly sheet, still fits a 69"!
Cupid also saw the chiropractor last week.  A few adjustments but looking good overall.  She said his left hamstring was a bit tight, and his pelvis was rotated up to the left and lower back had some rotation to the left as well.  She also recommended adding rice bran to his current rations as he's lost a little weight, you can see he's a bit ribby.  I haven't had him on rice bran before but luckily it doesn't seem to cause any adverse effects for him.

I'm hoping to get a trail ride in this weekend.


  1. Sounds like a pretty relaxing week full of rides! I haven’t fed Charlie rice bran but it worked really well for a lot of TBs at my last horse’s barn

  2. It's always good to keep the routine interesting for the horses! Glad to hear that the injury from turn out was only minor :)
