Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Airs Above Ground

I finally got my video from the show, and it turns out the buck was actually more of a crowhop. 
My partner (who doesn't ride) was watching with me.  His first comment was, "are you laughing?"  And then "why are you patting him, he was bad!" I can't really answer those questions, except to say... horses!  If I wanted it to be easy / predictable I would pick a different sport or hobby.  You never know what can happen, and sometimes you just have to laugh!

If anyone is interested in the full test, it can be seen here:


  1. well THAT'S a fascinating dance move, Cupid. i repeated that clip no fewer than half a dozen times and am still not entirely clear what on earth that horse was thinking haha.... goodness gracious! good for you for sticking it tho!!!
