I received a three month Saddle Box subscription from my sister as a birthday gift, and this is the first box I received. I wasn't familiar with this product, but it seems that they make their own brand of horse treats and combine that with a few other products. My particular box contained: 3 types of Saddle Box horse treats; a comb and small spray bottle of Fiebing's Satin Sheen, and a Tough-1 brush.
So first up we have the "Sweet Saddles" which is a hard candy! I haven't seen anything else like this for horses. I would say it smells like anise. I did not think Cupid would try this, but to my surprise he ate one right up. The big test was the second day (as I said, sometimes he will eat something once but not again), but he ate it the second day too so I call this one a win. And I'll admit I tried it too - it is pretty herbal and reminded me of a Ricola!
The third treat is some sort of mash, which I haven't tried yet but Cupid's birthday is coming up so we may save it for then.
The other products don't really need much explanation. I hadn't tried the Fiebing's brand detangler/sheen before but upon first use it's comparable to other similar products. I don't use these types of products on a regular basis, but every few weeks when I go through Cupid's tail I use a bit and that's how I tried this. It has a light, pleasant scent.
The Tough-1 brush has medium stiff plastic bristles and is not the type of brush I use on Cupid, but I used it to knock the dirt off my boots after I rode.
The box was a fun surprise. I wouldn't say it's worth getting for yourself, but I do think it makes a good gift for a horse lover and I am looking forward to seeing what's in my next box!
I can see my equines eagerly awaiting the next treat box.